
Event #5

Talk Event
‘Swiss Window Journeys Architecture Field Notes’

「Swiss Window Journeys – スイスの窓と建築」

トークイベント「Swiss Window Journeys – スイスの窓と建築」

公益財団法人 窓研究所と一般社団法人 日瑞建築文化協会(JSAA)はスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校の貝島桃代教授による書籍『Swiss Window Journeys Architectural Field Notes』 の出版を記念してトークイベントを開催します。

貝島氏は、2017年から「建築のふるまい学」(Architectural Behaviorology)の講座を担当し、地域資源のアクターネットワークから、それらのアクセサビリティに寄与する建築デザインを考えることを通し、コミュニティの持続可能性を目的としたコモンズに関するスタジオおよびリサーチを行っています。『Swiss Window Journeys』は、スイスの窓と建築について、現地調査から収集した窓のドローイングと解説、スイスの建築家へのインタビューなど、6年間にわたる活動の成果をまとめたものです。


会場では、『Swiss Window Journeys Architectural Field Notes』の書籍販売を予定しています。

The Window Research Institute and the Japan Swiss Architectural Association (JSAA) are organizing a talk event to celebrate the publication of the book ‘Swiss Window Journeys Architectural Field Notes’ by Professor Momoyo Kaijima of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

Since 2017, Kaijima has been teaching the course ‘Architectural Behaviourology’, which aims at community sustainability through considering architectural designs that contribute to their accessibility from the actor network of local resources. Studio and research on the Commons. Swiss Window Journeys is the result of six years of work on windows and architecture in Switzerland, including drawings and descriptions of windows collected from field research and interviews with Swiss architects.

In this event, architects with a connection to Switzerland will be invited to discuss the diverse windows, architecture and even culture of Switzerland as a European crossroads created by the unique topography and geography of the Alps.

A book sale of Swiss Window Journeys Architectural Field Notes will be available at the venue.


  • 日付:


  • 時間:


  • 場所:

    建築会館ホール(〒108-8414 東京都港区芝5丁目26番20号)

  • スピーカー:


  • ゲスト:


  • 入場料:


  • 定員:


  • 申込期限:

    お申込みはこちらの Google Form からお願いします。

    Google Form

  • 主催:

    公益財団法人 窓研究所、一般社団法人 日瑞建築文化協会

  • 後援:


  • 協力:

    日本建築学会 ヴォイス・オブ・アース デザイン小委員会、新建築書店 株式会社グラフィック:江川拓未

Event Information

  • Date:

    22 June 2024 (Saturday)

  • Time:

    15:00-16:30 (doors open: 14:30)

  • Place:

    Architectural Hall of the Architectural Institute of Japan (5-26-20 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8414)

  • Speaker:

    Momoyo Kaijima (Architect / Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)

  • Guest:

    Chie Konno (Architect), Fumiko Takahama (Architect), Mio Tsuneyama (Architect)

  • Admission:

    Free of charge

  • Capacity:

    130 persons (advance application required)

  • Registration:

    Until 19th June (Wednesday), 2024 *Application will close when capacity is reached, so please apply as soon as possible.
    To apply, please use this Google Form.

    Google Form

  • Organisers:

    Window Research Institute, Japan Swiss Architectural Association

  • Special Support:

    Embassy of Switzerland in Japan

  • Support:

    Voice of Earth Design Subcommittee, Architectural Institute of Japan, Shinkenchiku Shoten Co.

  • Graphic:

    Takumi Egawa

Momoyo Kaijima





Momoyo Kaijima

Since 2017, she has been a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, where she runs the ‘Behavioural Studies of Architecture’ laboratory. After graduating from Japan Women's University, she founded Atelier Bow-Wow with Yoshiharu Tsukamoto in 1992 and left the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2000 with a PhD. from the University of Tsukuba, where she has been a lecturer since 2001 and associate professor from 2009 to 2022. She has taught at Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2003, 2016), Rice University (2014-15), Delft University of Technology (2015-16), Columbia University (2017) and Yale Graduate School (2023). While working on the design of housing, public buildings and station plazas, she has been actively carrying out urban, suburban, rural and fishing village research, which he has summarized in his books Made in Tokyo, The Pet Architecture Guidebook and Commonalities. Curator of the Japanese Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, she was awarded the Wolf Prize for the Arts in 2022.



Window Research Institute

The Window Research Institute is a public interest foundation that develops research and cultural projects with windows as a starting point. With the implementation of research surveys, subsidies and the publication of research results through publications, exhibitions and lectures as the pillars of its activities, it promotes activities aimed at the development of multifaceted discussions, not only in architecture, but also in cooperation with national and international organizations and experts active in various fields.


一般社団法人 日瑞建築文化協会(JSAA)は、日本とスイスの建築分野での交流のためのプラットフォームです。これまで日本においてスイスの建築分野における学生や実務者による交流が多く生まれてきました。両国の交流の発展を続けるために展覧会等の企画を通じて両国の建築文化を理解し、発信していく活動に取り組んでいます。

Japan Swiss Architecture Association

The Japan Swiss Architecture Association (JSAA) is a platform for exchanges between Japan and Switzerland in the field of architecture. In the past, many exchanges between students and practitioners in the Swiss architectural field have taken place in Japan. In order to continue developing exchanges between the two countries, the JSAA is involved in activities to understand and promote the architectural culture of both countries through organizing exhibitions and other events.